Thursday13 March 2025

In Kyiv region, authorities uncovered a drug ring leader suspected of attempting to assassinate a high-ranking official, trafficking 10 kg of amphetamines monthly.

The group operated in the Bucha district, and their leader is suspected of attempting to assassinate the First Deputy Minister of Health.
10 кг амфетамина каждый месяц: в Киевской области задержали организатора наркобизнеса, подозреваемого в покушении на высокопоставленного чиновника.

The National Police has neutralized an organized group that produced up to 10 kg of amphetamine monthly, earning over 5 million UAH from this operation. The mastermind behind this criminal enterprise turned out to be a 36-year-old resident of Kyiv, who, in addition to participating in the illegal drug production, is suspected of attempting to murder the First Deputy Minister of Health.

As reported by the National Police.

According to law enforcement, the organizer rented a house in the Bucha district, where he set up a professional drug laboratory. The output from this facility reached up to 10 kg of amphetamine each month.

To maximize production volume, the group utilized specialized laboratory equipment and precursors, enabling them to manufacture psychotropic substances on an industrial scale.

Members of the group, who were apprehended by law enforcement, had clearly defined roles. A 29-year-old associate of the organizer was responsible for the direct production of amphetamine. The other two individuals worked in the laboratory, assisting with the synthesis processes of the narcotic substances.

The finished product was stored at the home of a 35-year-old woman, who was also a participant in the group. She was involved in the distribution of drugs throughout Kyiv.

Law enforcement conducted several searches, during which they seized packages containing amphetamine, Alpha-PVP, MDMA, laboratory equipment, precursors, as well as illegal weapons, ammunition, and a grenade. Additionally, police found handwritten notes that confirm the extensive operations of the group.

Three members of the organized group, including the leader, have already been charged under Article 307 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (“Illegal production, storage, transportation, mailing or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, or their analogs, committed by an organized group”). Investigative actions are ongoing, and the matter of issuing charges to the remaining individuals involved is being considered.

The punishment for members of this criminal group can be up to 12 years of imprisonment with confiscation of property.