Sunday09 February 2025

Weather: a hint of winter chill mingled with a breath of spring.

Today, February 3, in Kyiv, temperatures overnight are expected to be between -1°C and -3°C, with daytime temperatures hovering around zero degrees.
Погода: злегка зимовий холод, але вже відчувається подих весни.

Today, February 3, in Kyiv, temperatures will drop to -1 to -3°C at night, with nearly zero degrees during the day

Cloudy skies are expected. Light snow in some areas. The northwestern wind will blow at 5-10 m/s.

In the Kyiv region, temperatures will range from -0 to -5°C at night, rising during the day from -2°C to +3°C, as reported by Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.
