Wednesday22 January 2025

In Kharkiv, a drunk driver crashed into another vehicle.

In Kharkiv, a driver was held accountable for causing a traffic accident while under the influence of alcohol.
В Харькове нетрезвый водитель столкнулся с чужим автомобилем.

Yesterday, January 9, in Kharkiv, a driver of a Renault vehicle collided with another car.

This information was reported by the Patrol Police of the Kharkiv region, as conveyed by "Dumka".

According to the patrol police, the accident occurred around 8:00 PM in the Kyiv district of the city.

During the interaction, officers noticed signs of alcohol intoxication in the driver.

The man agreed to undergo a test only at the hospital, where the tests confirmed his intoxication.

The patrol officers removed the man from driving and drew up administrative protocols against him under Article 124 (Traffic violation resulting in an accident) and Part 1 of Article 130 (Driving a vehicle while intoxicated) of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses.

The intoxicated driver will be dealt with by the court in the future.