Friday14 March 2025

Opening pharmacies in rural areas will become easier as the requirements have been updated.

There is no need to restructure the space; it is sufficient to designate a retail area within the overall square footage.
Открывать аптеки в селах станет проще: обновлены требования.

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved changes to licensing conditions to simplify the requirements for premises intended for the opening of pharmacies in rural areas. 

This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Health. 

The requirements for the minimum area of the sales floor for pharmacies in villages have been reduced from 13.5 m² to 11 m². The requirements for the total area of such pharmacies will remain unchanged at 30 m².

For pharmacies in villages: within the total area (not less than 18 m²), it is sufficient to allocate a sales area of at least 6 m². The requirements for separate rooms for storing medications and staff rooms have been removed. Previously, pharmacy premises in villages were required to be divided into a sales hall (at least 6 m²), a storage room for medications (at least 3.6 m²), and a staff room (at least 2.4 m²). 

"The simplified requirements will encourage the opening of more pharmacies in remote settlements. This will make it easier for people living far from cities to access medications," said the Ministry of Health. 

Currently, only 11% of villages in Ukraine have pharmacy establishments. In total, this concerns 5,700 pharmacies. Residents of villages, frontline, and remote areas can utilize medication delivery through Ukrposhta (this service is available nationwide) or mobile pharmacy points.

Background. Earlier, Mind reported that by 2025, “Affordable Medicines” will be available in every pharmacy. Additionally, more than 30 new active substances will be added to the program, in addition to the already included 75.